7 Şubat 2018 Çarşamba

graph adjacent_vertices metodu

Belirtilen vertex'in komşularını dolaşabilmemizi sağlar.

Şöyle yaparız.
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/random.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

int main() {
  boost::adjacency_list<> g;
  std::mt19937 rng { 42 };

  generate_random_graph(g, 10, 20, rng);

  for (auto vd : boost::make_iterator_range(adjacent_vertices(5, g)))
    std::cout << "vertex " << vd << " is an out-edge of vertex 5\n";
Çıktı olarak şunu alırız.
vertex 1 is an out-edge of vertex 5
vertex 6 is an out-edge of vertex 5

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